Life is a catalyst!

Picture credits unknown

There is so much to learn about one’s own self. We keep making these mistakes of thinking we can bring about change in others. Even as a teacher or parent I can simply model a behaviour. The capacity in others to observe and imbibe is beyond my domain. The ideas as to how “life should be” are all crap. Life is a catalyst for its own evolution. We simply need to observe, reflect and absorb. All the awakening, spirituality, and religions (in uncorrupted form) are about a man getting closer to his inner self. Awareness is the key to our path. What we experience is based on our perception. And in turn, experiences create our perceptions. If we are disconnected from ourselves our perceptions would be based on our societal and cultural beliefs. This results in experiences that are detrimental to our growth. However, extreme experiences that shake us – change us, as it is our perception that changes. That is why, people going through pain, heartbreak, suffering change. Let’s all learn to be kind. Life goes an upgrade when our mind, our perceptions and our thoughts go through an upgrade. We start to have correctional experiences that provide us safety and validations we need. As our perceptions begin to form based on our own internal values, we begin to manifest a life of our choice. This happens as we become an upgraded version of ourselves.



I see shadows big and thick.
They walk, dance and sometimes trip.
To me, they are featureless with no expressions.
To me, they are flat with no emotions.
To me feelings are intriguing and deceptive.
To all the chaos, I am susceptive.
I lack depth and rigidity.
I lack that intensity.
I wonder why I am shallow? Why all my feelings are hollow?
Is it my numbness or have I changed into unfeeling and biased dame?
Why I have to wonder what I feel?
Why do I need to pause and gather my thoughts?
Why I need time to recollect me and retrospect?
Why I am not spontaneous, even to my own self?
It makes me wonder, what’s the way I exist?
Am I a stranger, even to me?
How can I know, what I feel?
How can I discern my own perspective?
How can I decipher my mystery before I mingle into history?